Last night, I had the privilege of volunteering at the 2010 Lights of Hope Benefit Auction for Ethiopian Orphan Relief. ( What an amazing experience! I met lots of wonderful people who continually give their time, energy and love to better the lives of these amazing children. Through the efforts of Ethiopian Orphan Relief and other organizations like Dove Adoptions International here in Banks, these children are given supplies necessary for life and health. The people who came to the auction and supported this effort are amazing too! As a small example, in just fifteen minutes last night, they raised enough money to provide 500 days of food for a group of orphaned girls in Ethiopia! I was overwhelmed by the generosity of these individuals and families who were willing to give so much to children they don't know. I have been blessed to have one such family as my neighbors and friends. They have adopted children themselves and work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of other children through Dove Adoptions and EOR. Thank you Ryan and Krista for introducing me to your friends and family and allowing me to have a small part in the huge effort that you all are making. How can you not smile when you see these beautiful little faces? May we all find ways to give back to those less fortunate than ourselves. We have been blessed.