Child, senior, family photographer ~ portland, oregon west side (banks, forest grove, cornelius, hillsboro, beaverton)

Alleyway Photography

Alleyway Photography
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Alleyway Photography ~ PO Box 820 Banks, OR 97106 ~ 971-212-5520


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when you make a $275 deposit toward your order. The deposit is made when you call to reserve your session date.
We accept cash, checks, PayPal, VS, MC & DS.


Pro Digital Photos

Monday, February 22, 2010

Stories - 4

This one is from the first official session I did after opening my business 3 1/2 years ago and it remains a favorite. Emma was two at the time and very busy as most two year old children are. :-) So, I just gave her my big floppy hat and set her loose. I have found that following the little ones with my camera works best. They feel less confined and can just be their cute selves. The white fence provided the frame and her curiosity provided the expression. Adorable!

1 comment:

Ganell said...

I love this! How sweet!