Child, senior, family photographer ~ portland, oregon west side (banks, forest grove, cornelius, hillsboro, beaverton)

Alleyway Photography

Alleyway Photography
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Alleyway Photography ~ PO Box 820 Banks, OR 97106 ~ 971-212-5520


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Pro Digital Photos

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stories - 6

Well, you KNEW I would have to include my very own princess, right? I made this collage of my daughter Kerissa last spring. Grandma Mary gave her this beautiful princess dress and she dances every time she's in it. It was one of those things I wanted to remember forever, so we went out in the front yard and I just started shooting while she danced. I love this collage because it is exactly who she was at that point in her life...and, for the record, it hasn't changed much yet. The dancing has just gotten more intricate. lol

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stories - 5

This one was one of those moments that was completely by accident. I was shooting this beautiful family at their home. Out behind their house they have a great garden with sunflowers, tall flowers, pumpkins, and many other things I couldn't begin to name or remember. lol The kids love to help in the garden. We were in transition from the front of the house to the back and were getting ready for a more posed family portrait. Their daughter went down into the garden and started using the hoe to do a little gardening. I was standing up near the back of the house and happened to turn and look down there to see where I wanted to set up the shot I was working on. Just as I did that, her little brother came into the frame pushing his little mower. It was such a precious moment, that I snapped the shot with no set up. I didn't even have time to check my settings. Unfortunately, that resulted in the shot being a little softer than I wanted, but I love it so much that I am including it. It's one of those shots that I would love to see as a painting or a canvas. I may have to play with it some day. :-)

Monday, February 22, 2010

REMINDER! Session fee discount ends February 28th!

20% DISCOUNT off session fee
applies to any type of Blue Ribbon Session on any future date. (Maternity, Newborn, Children, Seniors, Family).

The session fee has to be paid by February 28, 2010 in order for you to get the discount.

The Blue Ribbon Session fee is my "no session fee" session. You make a deposit toward your future order, and I waive the normal $100 session fee. So, any day it's already a $100 savings.

Until the end of February, you will save an additional $55 by paying $220 instead of $275, but you will still receive a credit of $275 toward your future order.

Don't have to pick your session date yet unless you want to.

It's like buying your self a gift certificate to use at any time in the future!

I'm looking forward to making memories with your family!

Stories - 4

This one is from the first official session I did after opening my business 3 1/2 years ago and it remains a favorite. Emma was two at the time and very busy as most two year old children are. :-) So, I just gave her my big floppy hat and set her loose. I have found that following the little ones with my camera works best. They feel less confined and can just be their cute selves. The white fence provided the frame and her curiosity provided the expression. Adorable!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stories - 3

This one makes me laugh remembering it. This is Rose a few years ago. We were in an orchard and we thought it would be cool to get a photo IN a tree. This shot was taken while we were both laughing really hard because she was barely hanging on. She ended up rolling out of the tree right after this. Don't worry, it was only a few feet off the ground. :-)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stories - 2

This one is from a few years ago. If I remember correctly, this was Hannah's one year shoot. This shot was after almost two hours of trying lots of different things to get a happy look on her face. She was having a hard day and had been crying or fussy for most of it. We did get some other great pics in before this, but this is one of my favorites from that day. I got it by playing peek-a-boo through a white wooden rocking chair. :-) Playing with little ones is one of the ways you can get them to perk up or smile.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The first in a new series...Stories From the Field

I was preparing for my booth at the NW Family & Kids Festival this weekend and in the process, I set up a portfolio slideshow of my work dating all the way back to the very beginning. As I watched the slideshow, I found myself smiling, laughing and a few times even getting a little choked up as I remembered the stories and experiences surrounding each image. So, I have decided to share. Each day or so, I will pick one and tell you the story. I hope you enjoy reading them. :-)

Here is the first one:

This is Olivia. At the time, she was about 4, I believe. I was at her house to take pictures of her two older sisters and her, but when I got there, she said she didn't want to have her picture taken even though mom had already put her in the dress you see here. Rather than pressure her, I opened up my box of props with necklaces, gloves, fans, fairy wings, ballet skirts, and hats in it. I told her she could try some stuff on if she wanted to and then I went outside to take some pictures of her sister. A few minutes later, she walked outside dressed like this. She didn't want to LOOK like she wanted her picture taken, so she went clear across the yard as far away as possible. She wasn't looking at me, but when I turned around and saw her, I got ready and then called her name. She looked up and there it was. One of my all time favorite shots! I love the little white tennis shoes, the props she picked, the expression, everything. So, now you know. Sometimes, its just that quick and if you're not looking, you miss it. I'm really glad I didn't miss this one! What do you think?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Genevieve is ONE! (I can't believe it!)

I probably overdid it a little with the preview on this one, but this is my niece Genevieve. Her mom and I have been best friends for 20 years, so I'm Aunt Lolo. :-) I can't believe she is one year old already! This year has flown by SO fast. It might have something to do with the fact that I also had a baby in April last year. It was the first time in our 20 year friendship that we've had a baby the same year and NO we didn't plan it. lol It's been so fun watch her grow. She was already walking a few months ago, so now she's on the run. Isn't she ADORABLE?!

A cold, rainy day made better with laughs (and coats).

Chris and her family braved the wind and rain to hang out with me and get some great family pictures before one of her sons was deployed. We were all cold and wet, but as you can see, they kept smiling until the end. Thanks for your patience guys. :-) I had fun with you!